Henry George International
Education Center |
Intl. Georgists:
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Georgist Community Fund! Graduados Superiores CE: ¡Inscríbanse en el Fondo Comuntario Georgista! |
Curso Intensivo "Comprender la Economía"
Próxima Reunión FCG |
![]() The purpose of the Henry George International Education Center is to investigate, teach and demonstrate, to all interested individuals, groups, and the public at large, the universal principles of natural law economic justice as professed in the book Progress and Poverty, written by Henry George, and, in accordance with these principles, to facilitate educational, social and cultural activities which promote the exchange of ideas, dialogue, productive debate, understanding, and cooperation between members of diverse cultural, political and socio-economic groups and professions.
![]() Nicaragua is a naturally rich country suffering from an artificially induced poverty. She is rich in arable land and various material resources and is optimally located for international commerce with access to two oceans. She has giant lakes and exotic lagoons, dense timberlands, productive gold mines, fertile agricultural resources, and young, vigorous and capable human resources. Nicaragua has a growing internal market for products and services with a growing population willing and able to work to satisfy that demand and also produce for exportation. The HGIEC believes that the extreme and chronic poverty experienced by the majority of Nicaraguans is caused by a fundamental structural error of her macro-economic system which, since the time of the Spanish Conquest, has institutionalized the unjust and unproductive appropriation of the national wealth by a private land and resource-owning minority (both national and foreign) at the expense of the productive majority. This systemic error is based upon the mistaken notion of considering all forms of Land (including natural resources and necessary public service monopolies) and their associated "land rent" values as private property, while real private property, the wealth that is produced by labor and productive capital, is arbitrarily confiscated for public funding. This unjust system of private property of Land foments widespread speculation in land values which leaves the working majority without affordable access to, or economic participation in, the progressive values of their own sovereign resources and territory; at the same time they must shoulder the major part of the burden of public funding. This is the fundamental cause of unjust distribution of the wealth which in turn causes unemployment and poverty, low wages, high business/government costs, rising consumer prices, inefficient use of land and wasteful destruction of natural resources, social division and political corruption, social injustice, violence, and crime in Nicaragua. These unjust and anti-progresive conditions exist and grow in all developed and developing countries to the degree the land and natural resource values are treated as exclusive private property and monopolized. ...
El CEIHG cree que la pobreza extrema y crónica sufrida por la mayoría de los nicaragüenses tiene su causa en un error fundamental del sistema macro-económico nacional lo cual institucionaliza e impulsa la apropiación injusta y antiproductiva de la riqueza nacional por una minoría de dueños privados (nacional y extranjero) de la tierra y los recursos naturales a costa de la mayoría de los trabajadores e inversionistas productivos. Este error sistémico tiene su base en el concepto equivocado de que la Tierra (que incluye todo recurso natural y monopolio público) y sus valores asociados de "renta" pueden ser considerados como propiedad privada mientras la propiedad privada verdadera (los frutos del trabajo y de la inversión del capital) son confiscados para los fondos públicos. Este sistema injusto de la propiedad privada de la Tierra fomenta la extendida especulación en los valores de tierra, la cual deja a la mayoría de los productores sin acceso a, o participación en, los crecientes valores de su propio patrimonio de recursos y territorio. Esta es la causa fundamental del injusto distribuión de la riqueza que a su turno causa el desempleo y la pobreza, los bajos salarios, los altos costos de negocios y del gobierno; el aumento de los precios al consumidor; el uso ineficiente de la tierra y la destrucción derrochadora de los recursos naturales; la división social y la corrupción política; la injusticia social, la violencia y la delincuencia en general. Estas condiciones injustos y antiprogresivos existen y se aumentan en todos los países desarrollados y subdesarrollados en la medida que los valores de la tierra y los recursos naturales son tratados como propiedad privada exclusiva y monopolizados. ... EL REMEDIO!
![]() The Henry George International Education Center is a international non-profit educational organization that realizes scientific studies related to macroeconomic trends in Nicaragua, analyzes and interprets these and other data from the perspective of the Georgist Economic Paradigm, disseminates the results of the interpretation of these studies, surveys and analyses in various forms, and presents and teaches the georgist economic paradigm to all sectors of the nicaraguan population. HGIEC educational activities include our popular "Understanding Economics" course and intensive "UE" workshops designed for specific groups; seminars on various topics that relate the principles of economic justice and natural law to personal, professional and organizational development; language and culture classes and workshops; international hosting of study groups; public education and outreach. ![]() |
Lo QUE HACEMOS El Centro Educativo Internacional Henry George es una organización educativa internacional sin fines de lucro que hace estudios científicos sobre la situación macroeconómica de Nicaragua, analiza e interpreta estos y otros datos desde la perspectiva del Paradigma Económico Georgista, difunde los resultados de la interpretación de estos estudios, encuestas y analisis en varias formas, y presenta y enseña el paradigma económico georgista a todos los sectores de la población nicaragüense. Actividades educativas del CEIHG incluyen nuestro popular curso "Comprender la Economía", más talleres intensivos "CE" diseñados para grupos específicos; seminarios sobre temas variados que relacionan los principios de la justicia económica y la ley natural al desarrollo personal, profesional y organizacional; clases y talleres de idiomas y cultura; facilitation de grupos internationales de estudios; contacto educativo con el público. |
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"Henry George International Education Center, Inc." (or just "HGIEC Inc."); note "for HGIEC
USA / CEIHG Managua" in the memo; and mail it to: 2) Make your donation to the HGIEC/CEIHG via *We will send you an acknowledgement of
your donation once it has been received and deposited to the HGIEC account. |
Economic Justice