Henry George ... |
Hosts Georgist Book Exposition
& 13th CE Economics Courses Graduate
Nicaragua Slips Deeper Into
IHG Gaining
Attention of Opinion Makers
Hosts Georgist Book Exposition
Managua, January 15, 2003 -- The IHG facilitated
a book presentation tour in Managua from November 29 to December
1, 2002 for the book De La Tierra Devastada a la Tierra
Prometida (From Wasteland to Promised Land),
written by Dr. James Dawsey and Dr. Robert Andelman, and
co-translated by the IHG Director, Paul Martin. Dr. Dawsey and
Mr. Martin gave a series of Media interviews and
hosted three expositions: one in the Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN), co-sponsored by the Facultad
de Ciencias Económicas; one which was combined with an IHG
sponsored conference titled "Understanding
Privatization" (see photo below) which was focused on the
question of privatization of public monopolies and natural
resources; and one in the Centro
Ecuménico Antonio Valdivieso, an ecuménical consortium.
Despite an extensive publicity effort by the IHG, the turnout for
the events was less than expected due to government and NGO
officials being tied up by pressing end of year exigencies.
However, a total of 60 NGO officers, Goverment
officials, University professors and students attended the three
events and expressed positive interest in the Tierra
Prometida book's message and the Georgist paradigm.
& 13th CE Economics Courses Graduate
Managua, January 15, 2003 -- The
Instituto Henry George's 12th & 13th
intensive "Comprender la Economía" Political Economy
classes graduated a total of 63 students on October
30th and December 11th respectively.
IHG has eight (8) CE courses planned for 2003.
The 13th CE course is scheduled to begin February 3rd. Click
here for "Comprender La Economía" Course Statistics,
Slips Deeper Into Recesión as New Year's Prices Soar
Managua, January 15, 2003 -- Nicaraguans woke up
from their holiday reveries to find themselves less solvent, more
indebted, and facing a 5% to 30% increase in business and
consumer prices of many key products and services compared to
November of 2002. Included in this price explosion are: propane
gas (+20%), bread (+25%), classified
newspaper advertisement (+30%), bottled water
(+15%), construction materials (5%), medicine
(+6%), private medical consultation (+30%), just
to name a few. The IHG itself was hit with a 30%
hike in the rental price of the facility where
the CE course is imparted but managed to negotiate the price back
down to 9%. These price increases are a direct
result of a highly speculative real estate market which pays
almost no tax on land values. (The IHG office building which has
a market value of $40-$50K has a cadastre value
of less than $14K and pays only $110.oo
per year of real estate tax!). Meanwhile, production, employment
and wages are stagnant, and credit indebtedness increases for
growing numbers of Nica businesses and families. The current
Government response is to privatize all natural monopolies, raise
taxes, and negotiate dubious terms within a US Government
sponsored "Free Trade Agreement". The IHG will work
this year to communicate to the public, national opinion makers,
and the Nica Government that the solution to the growing economic
crisis is to nationalize all land rents and privatize
production via a single Land Value Tax (LVT
or Impuesto sobre el Valor de la Tierra - IVT).
Gaining Attention of Opinion Makers
Managua, January 15, 2003 -- After two years of
developing effective teaching/communication materiales and
familiarizing hundreds of Nicaraguans with the Georgist paradigm,
the IHG has been experiencing, since the last half of 2002, an
increasing interest in its message from more thoughtful and
concerned Nicaraguan leaders of national stature. The
step-by-step process of consciousness building will continue with
more vigor in 2003 as the IHG will be able to offer cutomized
workshops using new comprehensive materials and improved didactic
technologies, including a new Comprender La Economía
video due out by mid-year.
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"Trabajar con pasión, divertirse,
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since January 2003