Excerpts from Paul Martin's and RSF's Georgist Education Program Guidebook:
"In Nicaragua the education system is a collaboration between government, school, church and family. Most of the private schools are religiously-oriented and/or church run, such as Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Moslem. Others are dedicated to ideals or concepts which are distinctly cultural, such as an American-Nicaraguan or German-Nicaraguan school or a Montessori school. The fact that they are religious or otherwise specialized in the values they teach doesn’t make them exclusive or off-putting to parents by any means. Many times parents enroll their children in a school sponsored by a religion not their own because of the superior reputation of the school for providing better education and post graduate opportunities for their children. A cursory survey of primary and secondary schools, and even universities in Latin American countries, and other developing countries in other parts of the world shows that this integration of value-based education with national education standards and regulations is a very common practice."
"The proposal of the CEIHG, then, is that the Georgist community undertake the establishment of a pilot project, in a single country, for the development of a comprehensive Georgist consciousness and value-forming and reinforcing education system which includes integrated primary, secondary, university as well as adult education programs, with the further goal of developing it as a transferrable program which can be installed in other countries at relatively low initial cost."Below are examples of educational programs in Nicaragua which show that a Georgist program would be able to compete successfully in the private school marketplace by offering international mystique and "academic excellence" while teaching georgist values and preparing children and youths to be free-thinking georgist leaders in the world.
primary/secondary program is selling international culture and throws in
environmental values.
This primary school program sells alternative, nordic, international, presumably
feminist values.
Many students at this primary/secondary school are not Baptists but are,
enrolled in the school for its academic reputation and/or convenient location.
This school goes as far as being exclusively Catholic and also promises
"academic excellence".
This school offers a combo of religion, North American mistique, and "academic
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Georgist Education Program Guidebook
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