Instituto Henry George ...
Managua, Nicaragua

NOTICIAS, Febrero 2006

28th and 29th CE Economics Courses Graduate
IHG Closed in 2005, Reactivates in 2006
IHG Initiates Construction of Its Own Facility

28th and 29th CE Economics Courses Graduate in 2005

The Instituto Henry George's 28th and 29th intensive "Comprender la Economía" political economy courses graduated 27 students on March 2nd and 12 students on April 20th, respectively. The last course was hindered by an extended transportation strike in the Capital which impeded all phases of the course, from registration to graduation. Click here for complete "Comprender La Economía" Course Statistics, 2000-2005.

CE XXVIII Course Graduates, March 2, 2005.

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IHG Closed in 2005, Reactivates in 2006.

The IHG closed down operations in May 2005 because of lack of funding, difficulty in finding affordable classroom space, and a need for rest and renewal for the IHG staff in the face of increasingly challenging economic conditions. The new year, however, has brought renewed interest in the work of the IHG. Thanks to continuing support from the Henry George School of New York and the Henry George Institute of New York, and as a result of finding of a new adequate classroom location, the CE course is scheduled to be offered this March and then approximately three or four more times in 2006. This year, the IHG will be supporting the founding of an independent self-governing Georgist activist organization whose purpose will be to promote popular consciousness and lobby for government recognition of the georgist remedy in Nicaragua.

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IHG Initiates Construction of Its Own Facility

The IHG is also in the process of initiating construction of a new building on a parcel of land owned by a local Georgist and located near the center of Managua. The facility will serve as the future IHG classroom facility for up to 100 students and include office space and possibly residencial facilities. The IHG plans projects that the new facility will be able to act as the headquarters for national, and possibly regional, Latin American Georgist leadership training. The IHG will be applying for status as a registered Nicaraguan NGO to help protect the IHG's use of this facility. After preparation of the land and installation of utilities, actual construction of the building will hopefully commence no later than May, 2006. To make this project advance in a more timely fashion, the IHG asks that any interested supporters who may be willing to help with the basic administrative costs of obtaining NGO status and/or the building planning and permit costs, contact the IHG.

Workers install a provisional fence in preparation for construction of a new IHG facility.

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"Work with passion, have fun, save the world!"
"Trabajar con pasión, divertirse, salvar el mundo!"


since Febrero 2006